Monday, August 26, 2013

As an aside...

I'm working on the follow up to my last post, but right now I want to just take a second to throw something out there that I was talking to some of my fellow Catechists about on Sunday. A lot of us wish we could evangelize more, spread the gospel to those who have a mistaken view on it. But then so many of us refuse to answer the door when Mormons and Jehova's Witnesses come around. Why? This is basically God's evangelism home delivery service. Can't get out to witness your faith? Order in!

Seriously, these are good, friendly, well meaning folks that are already in the mindset to talk about faith and they are knocking on your door. Why are we scared to answer? They might know one or two focused areas on how to overcome the beliefs of orthodox Christianity, but the moment you start talking about it in a broader sense, their knowledge pool falls away fairly quickly. So invite them in, have a talk (don't get angry), share the scriptures, and before they leave set a follow up. You're almost certainly not going to convert them then and there, but you can plant a seed.

Oh, but I guess that would entail knowing something about your own faith first.


  1. I see you're on the BHT now, well, good luck

    1. Well thanks! It's a good group of folks over there, even if we don't all see eye-to-eye on things. I'll be keeping most of the hardcore Catholic soapboxing over here though. You know, when I bother to post at all.
